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肯德基介紹: 來自美國的肯德基於全球109個國家,每天同步地服務超過1200萬人次的顧客,是世界上最受歡迎的炸雞餐飲連鎖店。哈蘭德桑德斯上校歷經十年的研製發明,調和出十一種神奇香料配方烹製而成的美味炸雞,走過半個世紀迄今仍為肯德基最受歡迎的產品。 肯德基進入台灣市場即將邁入第26周年。說到炸雞, 就一定會想到肯德基,無可取代的美好滋味已深植台灣顧客的心。2010年怡和集團取得台灣肯德基經營權,期望嶄新的經營團隊及遍佈全省的124家門市持續提供顧客更優質的餐飲品質與用餐環境。 怡和集團介紹與在台關係企業: 怡和集團成立於1832年,是以亞洲為中心的跨國集團。多元化的經營項目包括工程及建築、運輸服務、汽車貿易、物業、零售、餐飲、酒店及保險經紀,均在市場上擁有卓越的領導地位。怡和控股於百慕達註冊設立,在倫敦證券交易所擁有第一上市地位,及在百慕達證券交易所及新加坡證券交易所擁有第二上市地位。 怡和集團目前在台灣的關係企業,包括頂好Wellcome超市﹑Jasons Market Place、必勝客比薩(Pizza Hut)、怡和保險、瑞士迅達電梯、怡和船務、天文旅行社及宜家家居(IKEA)等。
Pacific Star Technologies Corp., founded in 1997 and headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, is an international company with a worldwide distribution network. The companys expertise lies in the manufacturing and development of rugged computer products and POS/Kiosk products for various vertical markets. Pacific Star, a locally rooted company, aims to foster mutual partnerships with customers and bring the latest technologies to the market place. A western management is utilized and open communications are simultaneously reinforced in the companys operations to promote the employees innovative and creative capabilities. The PST4612 Mobile Computer was the companys flagship product acquired from the IBM Corporation in 1999 and it helped the company to enter successful partnership with Psion Teklogix, a world leading company in the rugged computers and RFID market place. The targeted industries included: transportation, logistics management, manufacturing, food and beverage, retail, public safety and utilities. Pacific Star is looking forward confidently to the future challenges offered by this exclusive niche market and the retail market, due to its flexibility and experienced workforce. The company plans to further strengthen its foothold in these demanding markets and continue to satisfy the growing demand for its products.
Since 1999, Marasst has been one of the major providers of quality notebook products from Top Tier manufacturers in Taiwan for European markets, with revenues growing to over 16 million US dollars last year. Marasst is expanding into computing, consumer electronics and communication products and needs the best people to compete on the global high-tech market place. Please visit our website at www.marasst.com for more information
肯德基介紹: 來自美國的肯德基於全球109個國家,每天同步地服務超過1200萬人次的顧客,是世界上最受歡迎的炸雞餐飲連鎖店。哈蘭德桑德斯上校歷經十年的研製發明,調和出十一種神奇香料配方烹製而成的美味炸雞,走過半個世紀迄今仍為肯德基最受歡迎的產品。 肯德基進入台灣市場即將邁入第26周年。說到炸雞, 就一定會想到肯德基,無可取代的美好滋味已深植台灣顧客的心。2010年怡和集團取得台灣肯德基經營權,期望嶄新的經營團隊及遍佈全省的124家門市持續提供顧客更優質的餐飲品質與用餐環境。 怡和集團介紹與在台關係企業: 怡和集團成立於1832年,是以亞洲為中心的跨國集團。多元化的經營項目包括工程及建築、運輸服務、汽車貿易、物業、零售、餐飲、酒店及保險經紀,均在市場上擁有卓越的領導地位。怡和控股於百慕達註冊設立,在倫敦證券交易所擁有第一上市地位,及在百慕達證券交易所及新加坡證券交易所擁有第二上市地位。 怡和集團目前在台灣的關係企業,包括頂好Wellcome超市﹑Jasons Market Place、必勝客比薩(Pizza Hut)、怡和保險、瑞士迅達電梯、怡和船務、天文旅行社及宜家家居(IKEA)等。
頂好Wellcome超市在台灣 惠康百貨股份有限公司成立於民國76年,是全國最大的生鮮超市。惠康公司在台灣的業務以經營頂好Wellcome超市為主;近年來發展Jasons Market Place及頂好Wellcome Gourmet 超市。我們提供多樣性商品以及便利性的服務,讓消費者有全新的購物體驗。 對於人才的培訓上,我們提供完整的教育訓練體系: 一、Wellcome School儲備店主管養成班:儲備店主管養成訓練為期一個月,取得認證證書,將授與『代理副店長』的職位。 二、二專部建教合作班:頂好Wellcome超市與國立台北商業技術學院、景文科技大學合作。我們提供學分費的補助及上課日為公假的福利制度,讓高中職畢業的莘莘學子多一項選擇,同時兼顧學業與工作。每年五月份報名,六月份參加甄試(詳閱每年招生簡章)。 三、三明治教學校外實習:提供東方技術學院行銷與流通管理系大三學生,為期一學年校外實習,將課堂理論教學與校外實務實習密切結合,讓學生成為日後專業管理幹部人才做準備。 歡迎對超市經營管理有興趣且願朝此發展的您,加入穩健發展的惠康團隊。
環友電子成立於1998年,主要提供電子零組件行銷服務,產品包括IC、Memory、半導體元件、線上交易平台、及電腦相關產品,客戶範圍涵蓋美洲、歐洲及亞洲。 2002年環友營業額超過38億台幣,成為台灣前五大電子零組件行銷通路商之一,並將於2002年建立一個電子化交易平台(Eudor e-Market Place),提供給全球客戶多元化的服務,包括線上交易、資訊流、物流及金流等 電子化服務,並努力成為亞太地區頂級的電子配銷商。 EUDAR.com是一個領先國際、並定位為促進全球買、賣雙方交易的電子產品交易中心。此交易中心結合了『環友電子』在電子產品通路的專業經驗,與多年來通路經營的智慧結晶,使得電子零組件OEM廠、電子零組件製造廠、電子零組件通路商,以及代理商…等等,得以在第一時間,就能得到『環友電子』所提供的產品供、需以及協調的資訊,進而交易以滿足買、賣雙方的需求。
We are an experienced Product Development Company with a history of over 20 years in Taiwan developing competitive programs for the US market place. We are looking for the right person to join our successful International Team. If you feel you are up for the challenge and meet our minimum requirements, please send resume directly at email
Like Rotisserie Roast chicken? we got it! like other yummy stuff to go with it? Ha! got that too.Papa Poulet is a take away rostisserie located in Tienmu ,next to Shr Dong Market. We offer an advanced ordering system, simply call up , place your order and pick up at your chosen time. Our full menu can be found here in the photos below. We are open from Tuesday to Sunday 11.30am-8pm, but closed in the afternoon from 2-3:30pm To get there take the MRT to ZhiShan station then the free Tagashimaya shuttle bus to Tagashimaya. We are one block behind Mr Doughnut
WHAT WE DO Whether it is a strategic need or an operational need or a new business initiative, Brilliant Inc,. has the right strategy. MosaStore leverages its business and research expertise to help its clients prepare for the future. We advise management, executives and corporate on strategic issues and corporate vision. We help businesses with strategic analysis, market research, business processes, financial analysis, managing innovations and technology implementation. MosaStore is a unique place to find business, finance, marketing and technology experts that provide cross-functional analysis to leaders. Our Mission Helping corporates to ingeniously utilize resources Our Vision Absolute value creation Values Creativity and Innovation Honesty, Integrity and Teamwork Respect for individuals
MICROS-Fidelio is a part of worldwide MICROS-Fidelio Group, which is the world’s leading supplier of information technology, solution to the hospitality industry. MICROS is the only full systems solutions provider for all segments with a global distribution and service network in place for major chains, regional chains, table service and quick service market.
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